
Important information for operators of heating and cooling systems:

What is F-Gas?

F-Gas is the term used to describe a family of fluorinated gases, which are commonly used as refrigerants in air conditioning and commercial refrigeration systems. This particularly group of fluorinated gases are subject to strict EU and national regulations.

The F-Gases most commonly used are refrigerants in the air conditioning setting are hydrafluorocarbons (HFCs), but the family of F-Gases can also include perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride.


Why are they controlled under strict legislation?

EU and national legislation is put in place around F-Gas use in order to reduce, control, and where possible, prevent F-Gas emissions. This is because F-Gases have significant greenhouse effects if they are leaked in to the atmosphere, and therefore are said to have global warming potential.


Does this mean they are not safe?

When used responsibly, and properly contained, F-Gases are safe. F-gases in general are recyclable and energy-efficient, and HFCs in particular have had some contribution in environmental improvements as they have been replacing CFCs. They can also be broken down in to chemicals that do not have a greenhouse effect when they are no longer usable.

The EU and national regulations by which organisations in the UK must comply with

·        EU Regulation 842/2006

·        The Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases (FGG) Regulations 2009 (Statutory Instrument No 261)


What this means

All operators of equipment containing F-Gas are legally responsible for:

1.     Taking all technically feasible steps to prevent F-Gas leakage (and having it repaired as soon as possible). Repairs must also be checked after 1 month to ensure their success

2.     Making sure leakage checks are conducted at regular intervals

3.     Having approved automatic leak detectors fitted on systems using more than 300kg of refrigerant

4.     Maintaining precise records

5.     Recovering F-Gases after it is unusable for re-use or destruction

6.     Labeling new equipment

7.     Never using or selling non-refillable containers for transporting or storing F-Gas refrigerant

This is just a brief overview, for more information about the obligations please go to www.defra.gov.uk/environment/quality/air/fgas